Continuing a Legacy of Activism in the Southern Tier

a just world for all
Spirit Cafe
Spirit Cafe has been going strong since 2012 as a program of The Park Church.
Gathering on the third Friday of the month at 6 p.m. *** are spiritual seekers who like to share their experiences and eat well!
Spirit Café provides a community forum for discourse about all aspects of spiritual inquiry and growth, interfaith understanding and the joys and challenges of being human. All are welcome, members andfriends of the congregation, as well as those here for the first time. New faces are welcomed and expected!

Archive of Topics
Each month has a different theme. Some topics we have discussed include: The Spirit of Creativity, Gratitude, Art, New Life, Love, Wilderness, Mother Earth, Wisdom, Humor, Improvisation, Memory, Preparation, Adventure, Courage, the Blues, Renewal, the Rainbow, Pride, the Journey, Atonement, Letting Go, Dreams, the Prophet, Islam, CommUNITY, ReCreation, Mindfulness, Change, Listening, Vulnerability, Poetry, the Fool, Progress Not Perfection, Taking A Risk, Family, the Pilgrim, Emptiness, and Myth.
How It Works
A planning team of about five meets twice in the month preceding each event to choose the topic, readings, menu, presenters and discussion questions.
You can find out what’s coming next by going to our Facebook page: Spirit Café, Elmira. The topic and the menu are posted each month.
Call the church at 607-733-9104 (or email to to make your reservation, so we cook enough food! We’ll collect a suggested donation of $10 at the door for the meal.
Come into Beecher Hall and find the tables set for groups of six. Come by yourself, bring a friend or meet one here!
Find the buffet of fresh and healthfully prepared foods in the kitchen. Most menus feature vegetarian entrees, soups and always a mega-green salad and fixings, and a homemade dessert. We try to label the selections so you can find vegan or gluten free items.
“The Power is at the Tables,” we say because the lion’s share of the event is table discussion around the topic. Three brief snippets of information are presented, then discussion ensues after each. Candlelight and background piano music adds to the ambiance of the evening. We are usually finished about 8 p.m.
*** We do not meet in July, August or December.