September 24, 2023 Update
Arnot Health’s Spiritual Care Department has volunteer opportunities available at St. Joseph’s Hospital on their skilled nursing floors. Volunteers would assist the staff chaplain with worship experiences (especially on Sunday afternoon), as well as providing a ministry of compassionate presence to our nursing home residents. Spiritual Care also works collaboratively with the Activities Department to offer support and enrichment opportunities for our residents as St. Joseph’s. For more information, please email or call the Arnot Spiritual Care Office at (607) 737-4399.
The Sisters Keepers is a local organization that provides supplies for the homeless population in Elmira. They are currently seeking donations of clothing, individually wrapped foods, and toiletries. For a complete list of items to needed and drop off location, contact Jimmy Russell at
Past Opportunities
Chemung County Habitat for Humanity is looking for 100 volunteers to help them spruce up a local neighborhood in six hours. The Community Clean Up Block Party will be Friday, September 15 from 9am-12pm and Saturday, September 16th from 9am-12pm. They’ve done it before, and with your help, they can make it happen again! For more information, or to register call 607-734-1361, or email