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President's Message - November 2024

Adding them up!

In preparation for the text on this year’s pledge brochure, I was asked how many

events happened at the church in 2024, and by how many community organizations?

Since I had never tallied it up this way, I decided to count. Answer: over 300 distinct

events from over 30 distinct groups/entities! These include weekly activities like

Sunday worship and choir rehearsal, Game Night in the Rainbow Room, Common

Time Chorus rehearsals, Bone Builders, Narcotics Anonymous, and hand bell choir

rehearsals. Plus monthly activities like Spirit Cafe; Meaningful Movies and meetings

of the NA regional council; plus all of the music and language lessons offered by

Carrie Hooper in the Parlors; or the events held upstairs with our mission partners

Runway for A Cause and/or Connor DeLaneys’ Athletic Club boxing program with


Other community partners using the building at least once in 2024 include a Women’s

Retreat, Elmira Community Cycle, Southern Tier Interfaith Coalition, Community

Arts of Elmira, Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies, the Poor People’s

Campaign, AspireHope; People for a Healthy Environment; Orchestra of the

Southern Finger Lakes; Todd Thomas Scholarship Recital, and the Elmira PRIDE

planning and event. Plus our own special dinners and seasonal Lenten or Advent

activities, our adult education offerings, historic church tours, semi-annual rummage

sales, organ recitals and luncheons, and the summer clothing giveaways. Add to that

offered space for local groups to host holiday parties, receptions and gatherings. Wow

– we are a busy little church!

Last month I thanked you for your patience as we made physical improvements

inside and outside our building. This month I want to thank you for your generosity –

the time you give in service to our congregation and our community; and your

financial support that creates the capacity to do together that we couldn’t do without


Happy November -- in gratitude, Jenny

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