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President's Message - February 2025

And we’re off…...thanks for your participation in the Annual Meeting on Jan. 26th, we

had over 50 members attend to vote in the 2025 budget and to hear about the

security additions we’ve made throughout the building. If you haven’t yet read the

2024 Annual Report, you can find it on our website: in

the “Connect” drop down menu – Annual Reports.

On Monday, February 3rd at 7 PM we’ll be hosting an Elmira première screening of the

new WSKG Public Broadcasting documentary, North to Freedom in Beecher Hall in

collaboration with our partner - the John W. Jones Museum. WSKG producer Brian Frey

came last year to interview me about our church’s abolitionist roots and he filmed in

our sanctuary. Then he went on to interview Talima Aaron and film at the John W. Jones

Museum. The film is about the Underground Railroad activity in our region, circa

1840s to the Civil War. I hope you can all come!

Black History month brings focus to other activities including our all-church read of

Ibram X. Kendi’s amazingly empowering book, How To Be An Antiracist. After worship

on February 23rd and March 2nd we’ll be able to discuss how methods found in the book

can move us beyond being just informed and compassionate to advocacy and

personal involvement in dismantling systemic racism.

This year will be one of challenges as we decide what to do as individuals and as a

congregation about the changes that are “trickling down” from Washington. We have

two positive events coming up that illustrate our commitment to LGBTQIA+ rights: the

March 29th Elmira PRIDE Ball and the third annual Elmira PRIDE Festival to be held on

June 7th. If you’d like to join the teams for either of these events, please let me know.

We’re looking for raffle items for the Pride Ball or sponsors if that’s something you can

help with. Our next organizational meeting for the Pride events will be on Monday,

February 17th at 5 PM.

I encourage you to stay centered in these trying times and to come to the well often

(that is, the church) for refreshment. I am reminded of a favorite quote from Richard


With you every step of the way, Jenny

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