What: Phoenix Affirmations Discussion Series led by The Rev. Gary Brinn
When: Last Sunday of each month in 2023 (after Coffee Hour or approximately 11:15 am)
Where: Beecher Hall, The Park Church
Join us for a monthly series of 12 sessions on being a progressive congregation, one per month from January through December 2023. The Rev. Gary Brinn will lead us in discussion about how we can live into the Phoenix Affirmations, or the twelve points of being a progressive congregation. Sessions will be held on the last Sunday of each month in Beecher Hall after coffee hour.
Affirmation #10
Affirmation 10: Claiming the sacredness of both our minds and our hearts, recognizing that faith and science, doubt and belief serve the pursuit of truth;
As Christians, we seek to develop intellectually as sincerely as we seek emotional development. We further seek to clarify that the truths contained in Scripture are not conveyed primarily through scientific revelations, but through wisdom which may be gleaned frequently in story and song, symbol and parable.
We affirm that the Path of Jesus is found where Christ’s followers value the pursuit of wisdom, which is found at the intersection of head and heart, where God seeks relationship with the human soul.
We confess that we have moved away from this Path when we have denied either the role of the mind, or that of the heart, in the seeking of wisdom. Further, we have moved off the Path when we have denigrated the role of doubt or pursuit of scientific knowledge as if they were enemies rather than allies of faith.