Where: Streamed online - Zoom join link sent by Church email to all members and friends
When: October 2, 2022 - 10 am (Zoom session opens at 9:30 am)
Note: There will be no worship at The Park Church that morning.
On Sunday morning, we will come together with other local churches for World Communion Sunday at New Beginnings United Methodist Church, 300 E. Miller St. on the Southside. Worship begins at 10:00 am. Our very own Conference Minister, the Rev. Dr. Marsha Williams, will be preaching.
By participating, we not only live into our call to Christian unity, but we also have an opportunity to strengthen relationships with our sisters and brothers in other local churches, faithful people who will be critical in our efforts to lead on housing justice and the revitalization of Elmira. I know it is easy to view it as a “Sunday off.” I hope you will choose, instead, to hear some great preaching and to experience the gracious hospitality of our United Methodist and American Baptist neighbors.
During the Ecumenical Service for World Communion Sunday, October 2nd, The Park Church will be remembering those lost in the past two years, particularly due to COVID. Names and/or photos will be included in a special power point slideshow.
Please send names and/or photos to office@theparkchurch.org by Sunday, September 25. Note: This will be part of the livestream. All pictures that are received will be assumed to have permission to share over the internet.