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November 9, 2022 - "Passage at St. Augustine" Meaningful Movie

What: “PASSAGE AT ST. AUGUSTINE: The 1964 Black Lives Matter Movement That Transformed America.”

When: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 7 pm

Where: The Park Church, 208 W. Gray St., Elmira, NY

A Very Special Evening: Intro, Film, Discussion

The creator of this documentary, Clennon L. King of Albany, Georgia, has agreed to join us via Zoom to introduce his film and lead the discussion. Mr. King leads the audience in a thoughtful discussion around the film's content and its central subtext around race. King then follows that conversation with a spirited question and answer session where the inevitable question is raised: "Where do we go from here?"

Set in "The Nation's Oldest City", this film is about the bloodiest campaign of the entire Civil Rights Movement that led directly to the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed Jim Crow segregation from coast to coast.

Using riveting archival footage and first-hand accounts of frontline veterans, "Passage at St. Augustine: The 1964 Black Lives Matter Movement That Transformed America" employs more than 45 voices to help tell the story.

Indeed, the film serves as a time machine, where viewers are transported back to the early '60s, and hear first-hand from those on both sides of the battle: civil rights foot soldiers, field lieutenants, Klansmen, segregationists, White House insiders, journalists, law enforcement, clergy and more. And despite LBJ and MLK headlining this real life cast, audiences invariably come away from this hourlong film asking how a campaign so pivotal is hardly a footnote in the annals of history.

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