What: Movie Till
When: Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 5:45 pm
Where: Steele Memorial Library
The final showing of the movie “TILL” will be screened at the Steele Memorial Library, co-hosted by the John W. Jones Museum to celebrate Black History Month. Pick up your free tickets for the show at the customer service desk.
"TILL" is based on the true story of Mamie Till-Bradley, an educator and activist who pursued justice after the murder of her 14-year-old son Emmett. "In 1955, after Emmett Till is murdered in a brutal lynching, his mother vows to expose the racism behind the attack while working to have those involved brought to justice." (imdb.com) Introduction by JWJ Museum Trustees and a brief Q&A immediately following the movie. Limited number of tickets are available. Rated PG-13.
All welcome.
FREE, snacks provided, drinks with lids okay, no outside door please.