December 12 and 16 - Advent-Christmas Organ Recital Sunday, December 12, 2021 10:00 AM during worship
Thursday, December 16, 12:10 PM - no luncheon
The Park Church, Elmira
You are invited to the annual Advent- Christmas organ recital played during wor- ship on Sunday, December 12 and Thursday, December 16 as a lunchtime outreach to the community. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, masking is required and we are not able to offer a post-recital luncheon.
Music Director and organist, Charlotte Cook, will offer an opening fanfare of the Advent hymn “Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying”, and continue with organ settings that range from Bach's solemn prelude on 'Savior of Nations, Come”, to the triumphant announcement “He is Born, the Divine Christ Child”, to the raucous street processional “On This Day, Earth Shall Ring”, highlighting the organ's colorful reed stops and organ ”drums”-not real, or course, but hopefully convincing. The recital ends with as appropriately jazzy setting of “Go Tell It On The Mountain”. The service will be available on Zoom* and as a recording on The Park Church website. Come and re- live the Christmas story in music!