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Climate Justice - Curiosity, Determination, Cooperation, and Location

A Note From The Climate Justice Team

In the early 2000s, Eric Chamberlain of Rock Port, MO, was curious about the wind turbines he saw when driving in Iowa, so he stopped at the local newspaper to investigate Iowa’s wind projects. Thus began his “hobby.” First he bought maps charting Missouri wind flow. Next, he borrowed a monitoring tower from the state’s Department of Natural Resources. By 2008, his collaboration with local farmers, the city’s leaders, and a turbine equipment corporation made Rock Port the first city in the US to have the capacity to generate 100% of its electric power from wind resources, with its four city-owned wind turbines.

Source: “Road to 100: How one man’s mission to power his hometown by wind created a Northwest Missouri boon” by Catherine Morehouse, Utility Dive, Nov. 21, 2019

How might Elmira become energy self-sufficient using only renewables?

Let’s start with Curiosity.


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