Continuing a Legacy of Activism in the Southern Tier

a just world for all
Open and Affirming

Open and Affirming Statement
The Park Church, called by God to uphold Christian principles of love and respect for one another, has built a rich history of challenging oppression, working for justice and peace, and striving to eliminate prejudice in ourselves and others.
We, the members of the Park Church congregation, recognize and affirm the worth and dignity of every child, woman and man. We embrace people of every ethnic origin, race, class, age, ability, gender and sexual orientation.
We welcome into Christian worship, membership, leadership, friendship and employment all who covenant with us to seek God’s truth and to follow Christ’s example.
We affirm our support and celebration of the lives and relationships of each member of our church and will continually study and address prejudice and lack of understanding which compromise the life, worth, dignity and civil rights of any individual.
***Adopted by vote of the congregation on October 29, 2000.