Continuing a Legacy of Activism in the Southern Tier

a just world for all
Membership in The Park Church
The Park Church practices the congregational form of governance as the means through which individual conscience is expressed and decisions are made concerning its life and ministry. The governance of the Church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of control in all its affairs. The Council and all teams, committees, and staff are resources for the congregation and its ministry.
The members of the Church shall be persons who support the mission and ministry of The Park Church and who agree to become members after appropriate orientation by the Pastor.
Members shall commit themselves to support the mission and ministry of The Park Church by:
regular participation in the ongoing life of the congregation,
financial giving,
assisting in the teams and tasks that facilitate congregational gatherings and events,
and otherwise doing the necessary work of the Church.
The Park Church in Elmira is under the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but is a member of the Susquehanna Association (New York Conference) of the United Church of Christ. All persons who are or shall become members of The Park Church are thereby members of the United Church of Christ. Any member may, on request, be granted a letter of transfer.