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CHURCH is the practice. LOVE is the point. United Church of Christ.

As an Open and Affirming congregation, we, the members of The Park Church, embrace people of every ethnic origin, race, class, age, ability, gender and sexual orientation.


We welcome into Christian Worship, membership, leadership, friendship and employment all who covenant with us to seek God’s truth and to follow Christ’s example.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT toward racial justice

For all of you are the children of God. Galatians 3:28

Each person is created in the image of God. But whenever we devise, maintain or perpetuate systems and structures that oppress people based on race and/or ethnicity, we interfere with God’s purpose and the opportunity for all God’s children to be fully who they are created to be.


Racism is an affront to God.

White Privilege. If you can't see it, you got it.
Group photo of The Park Church members standing before the front entrance.

New to The Park Church?

"I find here inspiration, some wonderful people to emulate, a chance to worship as best I can."


"I wanted a personal connection to others with a strong spiritual nature. And I wanted them to see that in me."

A Green Denomination Full of Potential UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST.  IMAGINE God's Earth and People Restored.

As a Climate Justice Congregation, we seek to respect God’s creation by focusing on the connection between climate change, planetary health, and human rights.  


We live our faith by caring for those impacted most by climate change.  We commit to care for the earth, to grow closer to our natural world, and to encourage personal and shared engagement by our church

Our History Set Our Course:

Incorporated on January 3, 1846 by 41 abolitionists who broke away from First Presbyterian Church over the issue of slavery to form a new congregation.

Original bylaws include this statement:  “That the using, holding, or trading in men as slaves is a sin in the sight of God, a great wrong to its subjects and a great moral and political evil, inconsistent with the Christian profession. And that this church will admit no person into its pulpit or communion who is known to be guilty of the same.”

The Park Church historical figures. Jervis Langdon, Thomas K Beecher, Annis Ford Eastman, and Oliva Langdon & Mark Twain.
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